Reproduce a previous release

In this example, we will recreate linux-rockchip 5.10.110-5 release.

  1. Follow Build artifacts section, We now have the following essential commit information at the release build time:
    radxa/kernel: 1932709cf
    bsp: 3a557f6

  2. However, fork.conf only takes full commit hash. So click the radxa/kernel link above, and click Browse files button on GitHub page, that will get you the full commit hash in the URL bar: radxa/kernel: 1932709cf7d98d0d92952bba38d990d938fabc58

  3. We can also check the content of to find the commit used for radxa/overlays:
    radxa/overlays: 4940ae33e4def0fb9133faf68adf0c3421b61f06

  4. We can now recreate the package:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd bsp
# switch to bsp commit found above
git switch --detach 3a557f6
# replace BSP_BRANCH with radxa/kernel commit found above
sed -i "s/BSP_BRANCH.*/BSP_COMMIT='1932709cf7d98d0d92952bba38d990d938fabc58'/" linux/rockchip/fork.conf
./bsp linux rockchip
# the prepared kernel tree will be available under .src/linux