Firmware management

Firmware, or do you mean U-Boot?

bsp is intended to be a general Board Support Package builder. In this sense, there are firmwares which perform low level initialization, and kernel which runs the operating system. Currently the only kernel bsp supports is Linux, and the only supported firmware is U-Boot. However, we plan to support EDK2 in the future, thus this section is titled firmware management.

U-Boot installation location

Following Debian convention, we install U-Boot under /usr/lib/u-boot folder, and save all supported bootloaders in a single package.

We also provide a maintenance script called

Extracting binaries from released package

Firmware binaries are usually needed to perform various offline recovery tasks. As we only release firmware in the form of Debian package, it is necessary to extract the required files first before performing any recovery steps.

On Windows, you can extract .deb files with 7-Zip.

On Linux, you can run following command to extrace the package:

ar p u-boot-latest.deb data.tar.xz | tar -xJ